I m Staying Single Because I Don t Want to Get Hurt Again

Being hurt is a terrible feeling to take. It comes with emotions like sadness, feelings of abandonment and betrayal, and heartbreak. Existence injured is unpleasant only unavoidable. We heal, move on and push button through the pain.

So, if you are being hurt or want to know why yous get hurt and take sorry feelings – bank check out the quotes below. You lot can express and vent your emotions through the quotes about being hurt down, and maybe you can even begin to heal.

300 Beingness Hurt Sayings and Being Injure Quotes

Elevation ten Hurt Quotes

"I don't similar to hurt people's feelings, and I don't similar to knock other writers as a matter of principle." – Lydia Davis

"I'm scared of things that I tin't see that can hurt me, you know." – Andy Ruiz Jr.

"I have self-doubt. I accept insecurity. I accept fear of failure. I accept nights when I evidence upward at the arena and I'm similar, 'My dorsum hurts, my anxiety injure, my knees injure. I don't have it. I just want to chill.' We all have self-dubiousness. Yous don't deny it, but y'all as well don't capitulate to it. You encompass information technology." – Kobe Bryant

"A woman is the but matter I am afraid of that I know will not injure me." – Abraham Lincoln

"Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody." – Mark Twain

"Truth is everybody is going to injure you lot: y'all just gotta discover the ones worth suffering for." – Bob Marley

"Nosotros are more often frightened than injure; and we suffer more than from imagination than from reality." – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

"In NFL preseason, the coaches don't utilize 10% of the playbook. They don't game plan. They do nix. They don't give anything abroad for the regular season. They effort to get everybody safely through information technology without anybody getting injure." – Blitz Limbaugh

"When you lot're immature, you lot don't have much sense. Y'all don't have any reasoning power. Yous don't have any ability to accept a blow, an insult, a hurt in the correct way. There is no mode a kid tin do that. All a child tin can do is feel the pang of it, the heartache of it." – Vernon Howard

"There is just and then much hurt, disappointment, and oppression ane can have… The line between reason and madness grows thinner." – Rosa Parks

Karma says, Sometimes you have to make a decision, That will hurt your heart but heal your soul.

Existence Hurt Quotes

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"Let it injure, and and so let information technology go."

"When you lot have one of the best hearts, it means you can end up beingness injure the most. Therefore you should e'er protect your good heart."

"There are times you feel total of hate and bitterness towards others for no reason. It shows you accept been hurt. You have to permit information technology go."

"Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow." – L. Ron Hubbard

"I believe I've been a practiced person. Not perfect – forget about perfect – only just learning by what I was taught and living by my values. I might accept stepped on a few ants – and a few other things as well – but I've never hurt everyone." – Kiri Te Kanawa

"The way to heal from injure is not to ignore or act oblivious of the fact that you have been hurt. You should talk almost the hurt to heal."

"I know it hurts at present, but I know that this volition make me much stronger."

"I don't like to hold back, because that's how you hurt yourself."

"Injure. I'm fucking injure. And don't act equally your care. Because if you did, you wouldn't have washed what you did."

"Injure me with the truth simply never comfort me with a prevarication."

"Forgive the people who hurt you, and God will repay you for it."

"My heart is tired of getting hurt."

"Do not deed equally if you care about me, because if you lot did intendance, then yous would non have washed what you lot did to hurt me."

"Anger is our natural defence force against pain. So when I say I detest yous, information technology means "y'all injure me."

"Information technology hurts knowing yous tried doing your best, and it still wasn't good enough."

"Have you lot always been injure and the identify tries to heal a bit, and you simply pull the scar off of information technology over and over once more." – Rosa Parks

"Standing alone is better than continuing with people who hurt you lot."

"When a person tells you that you lot hurt them, you don't get to decide that yous didn't."

"I know my heart volition never be the same, merely I'm telling myself I'll be okay."

"It may injure to let go, but sometimes information technology hurts more to hold on."

"Everyone is going to hurt you at some point in your life. It is up to you lot to figure out who is worth suffering for."

"I wish I could requite you my pain but for one moment. Not to hurt you but rather and then you lot can finally sympathise how much you hurt me."

"Never exist agape to lose someone who does not feel lucky to have you in their life."

"When you have been injure, and you keep quiet, the hurt will only brand you turn to the wrong people."

"Never forget who ignored you when you needed them and who helped you before you even had to ask."

"Yous hurt me thinking that I would stay silent near it. But you were wrong. You injure me; it is true. But I will not exist silent."

"Mean people don't just jump out of the ground; they are victims of deep-seated injure that has eaten deep into their soul and darkened their heart."

"Exercise not pretend that you care so much when you had the chance you hurt me."

"It is non the pain. Information technology'due south who it came from."

"Your name used to light upwardly my day. But it no longer makes me smile anymore. Now, hearing your name makes me want to cry."

"Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the single person you idea would never hurt you."

"If you always worry well-nigh being hurt in a relationship, then you could end upwards staying single forever."

"When you are hurting and feel equally if you have nowhere to plow to, just think that God feels your pain considering you are i of his children."

"It hurts because it matters."

"Brand it hard for 1 to walk in and out of your life. If you make it easy, you will ever be left hurt."

"Allow God handle your hurt."

"Being injure can take away your faith and belief in people. But you cannot let the hurt close you lot off to the rest of the earth. Because if you do, then you lot will miss out on the things and the people that can help heal you."

"Hurting deeply and keeping quiet is only going to make you resent the wrong people."

"If you know you cannot keep your promise, the all-time thing y'all should do is non to hurt them."

"I lied considering I don't want you lot to know how much it hurts me."

"If you acquire how to forgive the people who injure you, you will live a pleased life."

"I have never been hurt by what I have not said." – Calvin Coolidge

"That moment when you tin can feel the pain in your chest from seeing or hearing something that breaks your heart."

"If yous do annihilation with the feel of existence hurt, it should be to learn from your experiences."

"One of the hardest things to do is to grieve the loss of a person who is withal alive."

"You know it hurts me, simply you practise it anyway."

"If you left me without bothering to give a reason for it, so exercise not come back to me with any excuses."

"No affair how bad your heart is cleaved, the world doesn't stop for your grief."

"Fifty-fifty though you hurt me, I notwithstanding pray for you every nighttime."

"Just because you have been hurt badly by someone else, it does non hateful that you take the right to hurt me too. I do non deserve to exist your punching purse and the outlet for all of your problems."

"Do not be so afraid of getting hurt once again that you end up passing upwardly a take chances of being truly happy."

"I willingly gave y'all my heart considering I never once idea that y'all would injure it."

"Don't permit the hurt torture you, speak it out, and the burden will be reduced."

"No matter how much I endeavor not to be injure, in the terminate, I know someone will hurt me."

"Did you call back that it would exist fun to hurt me and non care? Or do you honestly exercise non know what you are doing to me?"

"I of the most courageous decisions you'll ever make is to finally let go of what is pain your center and soul."

"To hurt is as human every bit to breathe."

"Even though you hurt me such a long time ago, I still remember it all as if information technology happened today."

"One way or another, everybody is likely to hurt you, you lot have to detect those who y'all are worth suffering for."

"All I can do is hope that one twenty-four hour period the hurting volition be gone, even though the memory will still be there."

"Virtually times, we are too scared to admit that we are hurt because we encounter it as a sign of weakness, only in that location's no way to achieve healing without recognising hurt."

"I'thou not mad. I'm hurt. At that place's a divergence."

"You're gonna take hold of a cold From the ice inside your soul."

"After the way that you hurt me, I do not want to get attached to anyone anymore."

"Information technology hurts if someone tells yous they don't want you, merely information technology hurts more if they don't tell you."

"Be careful of how far you push me away from you because I might cease upwards liking information technology in that location. You tin can just injure me so many times earlier I decide not to come back anymore."

"You can bulldoze yourself completely crazy, trying to figure out exactly why you were hurt, or you can build yourself back together and look ahead. Allow the past stay in the past."

"If you worry getting into a relationship and being hurt, so you might end upwardly staying unmarried forever."

"Nothing is worse than being disappointed by the person that you never thought would injure you."

"I do not call up that I tin can have beingness hurt similar this again. My middle is too fragile to take another blow."

"Information technology does not affair what hurt you. What matters is who made you grin once again."

"My biggest error is thinking that people care for me as much as I do for them."

"When you left me, you did not merely take your things. You took my heart with you as well."

"The emotion that tin break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it…"

"It doesn't matter who hurt you, or broke y'all down, what matters is who made you grin again."

"Sometimes I get and then tired of getting hurt past people that I wonder if I was just meant to be alone in this world."

"Don't waste product your time on revenge. Those who hurt yous volition eventually confront their karma." – Matava Pearl

"When you are hurting badly enough, information technology can sometimes feel hard to become on. Merely it is not the end of your story. Your story does not stop here, with you lot crying and picking upwardly the pieces of your broken centre. This is simply a chapter of your story. It is up to you to keep pushing forward so y'all can find out how your story ends."

"The pick of those you spend your time with is going to determine to a large extent how much time you spend healing from hurt and painful memories."

"Doing what is right when you are happy is a great feat, just what'due south even greater is doing what is correct when you have been hurt deeply."

"Don't recollect that because you have had bad experiences in the past that you don't deserve to be happy again. Hurting inside does not mean you are cleaved without repair."

"Information technology is okay to injure and to feel that hurt launder over you. Allow yourself to cry if it volition make yous feel amend."

"If you are injure, always become to the person who understands you all-time, and know they will never allow your secret out."

"Nobody can hurt me without my permission."

"No matter how far life pushes y'all down, no matter how much you hurt, you tin can always bounce back."

"I never really knew what information technology was like to hurt until I met you. You seem to have made the human action of hurting people into an art class."

"Do all yous tin to be the all-time of yourself fifty-fifty when all you lot want to do is to make others hurt the same way y'all accept been hurting."

"Forgiveness is one of those gifts that you have to have handy at all fourth dimension because every single infinitesimal yous spend breathing is another opportunity for people to hurt you lot."

"One by one drop vicious from her eyes like they were on an assembly line – assemble, fall, slide…get together, fall, slide…each ane is commemorating something she had lost. Promise. Faith. Confidence. Pride. Security. Trust. Independence. Joy. Beauty. Freedom. Innocence." – Lisi Harrison

"You asked me to not talk about how you hurt me because you lot knew that what you lot did was wrong."

"I wish I were a piddling daughter over again because skinned knees are easier to ready than a broken center." – Julia Roberts tweet

"I could never figure out why you sought out to hurt me. Why me? I guess I will never actually know."

"I hope y'all have a hard time sleeping at night since you broke my middle."

"If you were happy before y'all met someone, and so you tin be happy when they are gone. Do not allow the hurt they acquired give you a reason not to be happy again."

"Don't exist agape to admit when you are hurt, it's not a weakness; it'southward a manner of healing."

"It hurts when I encounter you walk away, the future was so brilliant, only y'all who knows where I went wrong."

"Don't be carried abroad past the pain you experience that y'all outset to embrace hurt as a default lifestyle. You too deserve people who won't make you lot cry."

"I pray that former rejection and deep hurts volition not color what I see and hear now."

"Pain is an essential and unavoidable part of being human. If yous are hurting, then that is how you know that you are even so alive."

"A true sign of maturity is when someone hurts you, and instead of instantly trying to hurt them dorsum, you accept the time to endeavor to empathize their situation."

"It hurts when y'all retrieve that y'all know someone, but to realise that they are not who you thought they were."

"It is normal to feel the hate as someone hurt you. You need to acknowledge it and let information technology go."

"Heartbreak could exist lived with if information technology weren't accompanied by regret."

"I know it hurts so much, yous don't want to talk almost information technology, just you have to talk if you want to heal."

"In that location are days y'all are let downwards, yous feel like y'all are cleaved, but I know you lot are stiff. No matter how much y'all feel hurt, be potent."

"Being hurt is not only physical; it can be mental hurt that someone has caused yous."

"When you feel hurt, the best thing you tin do is to admit it. Don't deed as if everything is normal."

"Nobody can injure yous without your permission."

"Hurting someone should be the last thing in your heed because what yous exercise unto others will finally come back to you."

"The craziest part most this hurt that I experience is that you probably practise not even have the slightest idea that it is there."

"Letting go of something that means a lot to you lot tin injure, but sometimes belongings on can injure even more."

"Sometimes, being silent is the best way to permit someone know that they injure y'all."

"The truth might hurt for a picayune while at first, just a lie tin go on hurting for forever."

"The early you start the healing process, the better. These being hurt quotes will guide you lot through, you lot can share them."

"You know that you lot take finally healed when yous tin can tell your story and it does non make you lot cry."

"Beingness injure is normal; when it happens, breathe in and permit the wound heal as fast as possible."

"I can only hurt then much before I become numb to it all and cease caring."

"Breakups hurt, but to lose someone who does not respect or appreciate you is non a loss. It is again."

"Healing is an art that will have some time."

"If you could read my mind, and so yous would be in tears from knowing only how much you have injure me."

"If you are tired of getting hurt, don't let it happen."

"If yous are hurt, look. Time is medicine for the soul."

"Don't be scared of getting hurt; learn how to deal with the hurt."

"Don't act as if you care. If you care, you would not have done what y'all did to hurt me."

"I need you to prove to me that you will not injure me again like this. I can't just accept yous back into my life and then easily and give y'all back my trust. You accept to earn information technology back."

"Some times, yous find yourself being full of hate and bitterness towards people who have done absolutely nothing wrong. You have been hurt, but you reject to admit information technology."

"Existence hurt is not a office of the physical pain people crusade you, sometimes y'all are merely lying down, immobilised past the mental torture someone has inflicted on you."

"The hardest thing to do is to forgive someone who is not remorseful most hurting you lot simply forgiving them is for your own sake and non theirs."

"Dissimilar kinds of people react differently to being hurt. Weak people seek revenge, and strong people forgive."

"The saddest thing almost being injure and then much is being able to say that you are used to being treated that fashion."

"You lot cannot stop yourself from hurting. Especially when the wound is still fresh, the pain will ooze out of y'all, and you will struggle to incorporate all of that hurt inside of you."

"The worst thing about existence injure is when you get used to it to a point where yous say it's normal."

"I often wonder how many other people there are like me that y'all must take injure. Exercise you lot do it on purpose, getting some strange gratification from seeing others suffer, or is it just something selfish that you lot do without realising how much harm y'all are inflicting on those effectually you?"

"Even when y'all feel like your pain is killing you lot, recollect that y'all are the one who can kill your pain."

"Exercise not let the hurt inflicted by other people get into your heart; you can only do this past letting get and existence easy with life."

No matter how much it hurts now, someday you will look back and realize your struggles changed your life for the better.

Love Hurt Quotes

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"If someone keeps on hurting yous, you have to determine if you lot want to love them and stay, or you can decide to dearest yourself and choose to leave."

"Maybe I was destined to forever fall in dearest with people I couldn't have. Mayhap at that place'due south a whole array of impossible people waiting for me to find them. Waiting to make me feel the same impossibility over and over again."

"When you are in love, and yous get hurt, information technology is like being cut. Even though you lot eventually heal, in that location volition always be a scar at that place."

"I tried to stay by your side, simply you pushed me away instead."

"I stood past your side equally much as I could accept. I did not walk away; you pushed me away."

"I remember we've all been kind of… everyone's been hurt, everyone'southward felt loss, everyone has exultation, everyone has a need to be loved, or to have lost love, so when you play a character, you're pulling out those fiddling threads and turning them upward a bit." – Marker Ruffalo

"So it's true when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love."

"Hands that never touch. Lips that never come across. Almost Lovers, never to be."

"My heart is simply so tired. It merely hurts too much to beloved yous."

"I think about you too much. I care about you too much. I similar you manner too much."

"If you intendance virtually me at all, then why did you hurt me again and again and again?"

"You hurt me more what I deserve considering I loved you more what you lot deserve."

"When someone you dearly love decides to walk away, you feel your earth has crumbled. You cannot deport the hurt. The love ceases to be."

"All I always did was dearest you when nosotros were together. And all you did was hurt me."

"I thought I lost you, only y'all were never really there. Maybe that should arrive hurt less, but it doesn't."

"Yous put me through then much hell, and I was blind enough to call it dear."

"If they go on hurting yous, beloved them and stay or dearest yourself and get out."

"Information technology hurts to see the one yous love loves someone else. Simply it hurts fifty-fifty harder when you find out that you were just their bridge to cross over to their loved ones."

"The scars that you left on me have faded away, but I will never forget what you did to me and how much it used to injure."

"If you lot honey large, you've got to hurt large. If you lot've got a lot of low-cal, you've probably got an equal amount of darkness."

"The more you open to loving people who don't deserve to be loved, the more than likely you lot are to be hurt irreparably by their actions."

"Love hurts worse than getting slammed by a 250-pound linebacker." – Miranda Kenneally

"When you love people, you give them the primal to rooms in your eye, and this means that when they wrong you lot, it's not going to stay on the surface only will hurt you lot deep in your heart."

"I wish that I could go dorsum in time so that I could leave y'all right where I plant y'all."

"When you have a proficient centre: You help also much. You trust as well much. You lot give besides much. You honey likewise much. And it ever seems you hurt the most."

"Information technology hurts so much to dearest someone whom you will never have."

"You need a strong heart to love and an fifty-fifty stronger middle to continue to love even subsequently y'all have been injure."

"I didn't mean to fall in dearest, only I did. And you lot didn't mean to hurt me, but you did."

"I take found the paradox, that if you dear until information technology hurts, there can be no more injure, only more dearest." – Mother Teresa

"Hurting deep inside is one of the signs that you take allowed yourself to love because the only ones who tin hurt yous are the ones you love deeply."

"I'thou at such a dilemma; I want to distance myself from you lot, but yet, I don't want to lose you."

"Why did I ever end upwardly loving the person who hurt me the virtually? Why was honey so cruel?"

"Love is blind, and dear tin can be foolish. Our heart doesn't always love the correct people at the right time. Sometimes nosotros injure the ones that love united states of america the well-nigh, and sometimes we love the ones that don't deserve our love at all."

"It hurts when you are being separated from someone you beloved and so much because you love them so much."

"I never knew that I could feel then much hurting while being in love with the person who was causing it."

"A hurt will always leave a pigsty and pain in your eye; the fear in you lot will make you want nil related to dearest. All you need is to recollect virtually your happiness, your future, and what you want in life. Leave all the hurt behind and start a new life."

"Love should brand yous feel good; it should not hurt similar this."

"It hurts to see someone yous honey to be in love with somebody else instead."

"If I could testify you how terrible you made me feel, y'all would never be able to wait me in the middle again."

"Love hurts, and life is only not the same without it."

"When you hurt the 1 y'all dear, y'all are bound to hurt yourself."

"In that location volition exist a time when you lot are forced to follow your heart away from someone you dear."

"Love those who injure you the near, because they are probably the ones closest to y'all. They, too, are on a path, and just similar you, they are learning to walk before they can fly. Imagine if everybody you hurt in life turned their backs on you? You would be playing a hell of a lot of solitaires. Love them no matter what." – Nikki Sixx

"I don't hate you; I dearest you. But loving you lot is killing me. And so this is goodbye even if I don't want it to be." – Nikita Gill

"The saddest thing near dearest is that not only that it cannot final forever, but that heartbreak is soon forgotten."

"It is okay to walk out of someone'south life if you feel like y'all no longer belong in it."

"I loved you lot and then much, and y'all broke my heart. Now I want it back."

Yeah breakup hurts but have you ever watched your parents crying in front of you

Sad Injure Quotes

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"The centre was made to be cleaved."

"You promised that you would never hurt me and yet yous managed to do information technology to me in the worst way possible."

"The moment I saw you, I thought to myself: "Oh, this one is going to hurt…"

"Isn't information technology sad when you lot get hurt so much, yous tin finally say "I'm used to it."

"Yous stabbed me in the back, and so you pretended that y'all were the one who was bleeding."

"The truth will set up you costless, but it will hurt commencement."

"I'1000 sad, hurt, angry, mad, and disappointed. But you know what? I'll put on a grin and move on. It will hurt, simply I volition survive."

"Then his heart, now broken into a thousand pieces, slowly began to plow to water ice."

"The more I think about it, the more I realise but how bad it hurts."

"Because aught makes me happier, and nada makes me sadder than you."

"The pain started years ago, but I'd lived with it for and then long at that point that I'd accepted it as an inevitable part of me." – Ashley D. Wallis

"The truth hurts but a lie tin hurt y'all forever."

"You took my center and bankrupt it. Now y'all are gone, and I have been left alone to pick up all of the pieces off the floor."

"Yous take wounded me deeper than I could accept ever imagined."

80% of women use silence to express pain. You know she's truly hurt, when she chooses to ignore you.

Hurt Quotes For Him

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"What do you practise when the i person yous want condolement from the about is the 1 who caused your hurting? How can I want so badly for him to wrap me up in his artillery merely also desire so much for him to leave me solitary."

"Nix hurts more than realising he meant everything to you, and you meant nothing to him."

"I never thought this would happen to me when he said information technology was over; I felt so weak and injure."

"Lift yourself to God so that he can guide you on your path of healing."

"Believe in people, and they will hurt you. But if you believe in God, and then he will heal you."

Everyone says that love hurts, but thats not true. Loneliness hurts, rejection hurts, losing someone hurts. Everyone confuse these things with love.

Inspirational Hurt Quotes

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"You never know what you are fabricated of until someone hurts y'all."

"The heart is very fragile; yous need to build a shield to protect information technology. Not every hurt should leave you lot into pieces."

"Yous never really know your power until someone has desperately injure you."

"That'southward the funny thing well-nigh onetime hurts- they only wait for the new heartache to come along and then bear witness up, simply equally abrupt and horrible as the commencement mean solar day you woke upwardly with the globe changed all effectually you lot." – Lilith Saintcrow

"The fashion hurting works is that information technology blinds you to all the adept memories so when you observe that y'all have been hurt, remind yourself that those bad memories are not all you've got."

"Not all scars show and not all wounds heal. Merely as long as yous are still here on this Globe, you have the power in you to continue moving forwards."

"You take to stop someone from hurting yous when you come across the probability is high."

"The easiest route to growth is learning how to be patient with people fifty-fifty when you are hurt because it shows that you accept outgrown piffling emotions."

"Sometimes, it's better to be alone. Nobody tin can hurt you."

"Powerful people are not those who have never been hurt, but rather are those who take harnessed all their hurting and turned information technology into motivation for something good."

"The turning point in the process of growing up is when y'all observe the core of strength within you lot that survives all injure." – Max Lerner

"They should tell you when you're born: have a suitcase heart, be ready to travel."

"You will never know the power of yourself until someone hurts y'all badly."

"Sometimes a skilful cry is just what you need to release all the hurt you take built upwardly inside."

"Sometimes I'm not angry, I'm hurt, and there's a big departure."

It's hurt when your favorite person finds a new favorite person.

Expectations Injure Quotes

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"A life that is burdened with expectations is a heavy life. Its fruit is sorrow and disappointment."

"Unhappiness lies in that gap between our talents and our expectations."

"That was the thing most the earth: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't wait."

"Expectation is the mother of all frustration."

"We love to expect, and when expectation is either disappointed or gratified, we desire to be once again expecting."

"Anger ever comes from frustrated expectations."

"Expectations may sometimes lead you to disappointments, but the anger of getting disappointment may sometimes pb y'all to what y'all expected."

"Less expectation, less hurt."

"Cut your expectations curt lest you wallow in disappointments. Only take fourth dimension to differentiate b/w dreams due north expectations or drown in sorrowful displeasure."

"All unhappiness is due to incorrect expectations."

"I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than fatally disappointed."

"Rejection doesn't hurt, expectation does. Lying doesn't impale, denial does. Forgetting doesn't heal, forgiveness does."

Hurt - Love is when you're hurt like hell but you still miss the person who hurt you.

Feeling Hurt Quotes

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"Life is not always smooth as we might recall; there are times we are permit down. The hurt is deep in our hearts. As much as we effort to hide the feelings, it never goes away. When you keep the hurt within your heart, information technology might even lead you to depression."

"Don't act out of the feelings of hurt and pain; you might do something you would regret the balance of your life."

"Fifty-fifty though I saw it coming, it still hurts to know that you did not care about my feelings."

"Let God handle all of the hurt that you are feeling."

"If you are feeling injure, it means that you can at least acknowledge that something is wrong. Some people accept it and act like information technology is not normal."

"How your followers perceive you as a leader relies a lot on how you handle your feelings of hurt and what responses you give to people who accept hurt you."

"The nigh harmful feeling is the one that comes from being hurt over and over again past those you love, fifty-fifty when all you lot ever want to do is to make them happy."

"When you are feeling hurt, endeavour to find the strength in your pain. That style, you tin begin to put yourself back together over again, and you might find that you are stronger than yous were before."

"Don't waste your feelings to someone who does not value you. They will finish up hurting you."

"All I want is some sign, some proof that you intendance most my feelings plenty to stop hurting them."

"Never make the mistake of wasting your feelings on someone who does non value them."

"With dearest, you should become ahead and accept the gamble of getting hurt because dearest is an amazing feeling." – Britney Spears

"When someone you love hurts you, it's skillful to let the feeling become. No one can help you terminate that deep hurting feeling, except yourself. It is good to face that deep hurt feeling."

"What hurts me the nigh is the feeling that I was never good enough for you."

"Words can hurt your feelings, but silence will pause your heart."

"That feeling y'all get in your tum when your centre's broken. It's like all the butterflies merely died."

"The worst feeling is feeling unwanted past the person you want the most."

"I lift my feelings of hurting and injure to the Lord so that he can comfort me."

"To injure is as human as animate. So breathe when you are feeling wounded and let yourself to heal."

"No matter how hurt you may be feeling right now, you have to have faith that you will be able to smile again. Mayhap non today and perhaps not tomorrow, but information technology will happen."

"The pain and the hurt that you are feeling right now does not mean that God is not there. Retrieve that God does not give us what we cannot handle."


Friendship Hurt Quotes

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"Be wary of a wolf in sheep's clothing. Being injure by someone who you lot thought was your friend is far worse than being hurt past an enemy that you already knew you lot had."

"Many times, the decisions we make the effect and hurt your closest friends and family unit the most. I have a lot of regrets in that regard. Simply God has forgiven me, which I am very thankful for. It has enabled me to forgive myself and move frontward i 24-hour interval at a fourth dimension." – Lex Luger

"Everybody yous meet is not your friend, just considering you met does not mean they want the best of y'all."

I'grand Hurt Quotes

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"I am so tired of fighting for yous when you refuse to practise the same for me."

"I am not mad. I am hurt. There is a difference."

"I am non sure what I could have washed e'er to deserve the hurt that you take inflicted upon me."

"Being hurt, I feel similar a wounded bird who is unable to fly again. But I am adamant to become support and try over again. I do not want one bad experience to make me afraid to live my life."

"I may act like I do non care at all. I might requite the impression that this does not phase me at all. But inside, I am hurting."

"After a certain betoken, I have realised that I am going to go along getting hurt if I exercise not permit learn to let go of this."

"I hate how you act similar I am so much to deal with when all I've washed was sit here and allow you repeatedly hurt me."

"You lot cannot ask me to trust you while I am still cough upwards h2o from the last fourth dimension that you let me drown."

"I have made terrible mistakes that have hurt the people that I cared about the near, and I am pitiful. I am deeply ashamed of my terrible judgment and my actions." – Anthony Weiner

"You lot hurt me, but I do not consider myself a victim. I am a survivor."

Hurting back the people who hurt you, makes you become just like them.

Words Hurt Quotes

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"Words are not sticks or stones, but they still hurt, sometimes fifty-fifty more."

"Information technology might take years to realise how hurt you are by the words people speak, but information technology takes even longer to realise how much their deportment have injure you."

"Our tears are just words that our hearts cannot say."

"Choose your words wisely, because one time yous hurt someone with your words, you can never unsay them."

"It is astonishing how merely a few words can just tear you apart inside."

"Words tin injure you. In the larger world, it frames how people think nigh you, and information technology can hurt you in lots of little, subtle ways." – Nathan Myhrvold

"It might take years for you to realise how other people words hurt y'all and even longer to know how their actions have hurt you."

"You practise non always need to attack someone to injure them physically. Sometimes mean words can hurt a person just equally much."

"Words hurt the well-nigh because sometimes they can final forever."

"There are people who speak to injure others; their actions are aimed towards hurting other people. Don't take their words seriously."

"Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to employ this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively apply words of despair. Words take energy and power with the ability to assist, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to apprehensive." – Yehuda Berg

"Our tears are simply words that the heart cannot say."

It hurts to see a close friend becomes just another stranger in your life.

Hurting Quotes On Relationship

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"Your family is supposed to be a safe identify, but sometimes it can be the identify that causes you lot the most hurt."

"Information technology's effortless to live a happy life one time you can forgive people effectually you lot and how exercise y'all exercise this if you have not allowed yourself to feel the hurt they inflicted on y'all."

"Stop crying rivers over someone who will not shed a single tear for you."

"If someone decides they're not going to be happy, it'southward not your trouble. You don't accept to spend your time and energy trying to cheer up someone who has already decided to stay in a bad mood. Believe it or not, you can hurt people by playing into their self-compassion." – Joyce Meyer

"When you fully requite your center to someone who doesn't deserve your heart, chances are they are going to hurt you lot."

"There is i simple thing that you have to do if you want to stay in my life. Cease hurting me. That is all that you have to practice."

"What pains me about is when you say that I was non adept enough for you."

"You are so special; no one should play with you, leave alone hurting you."

"At that place are times in life when you will take to accept that there are some people who can only be in your heart and not in your life."

"their soul and centre are already darkened."

"If you lot cannot help someone, then at the very least yous should not hurt them."

"Your heart is stiff, no 1 should injure information technology, and that's why yous should non give it to anyone y'all encounter."

"When you said that you would never hurt me, I was foolish and naïve enough to believe you with all my heart. Now I know that you were feeding me with empty promises that yous never meant to keep."

"Why do I continue holding on to the things and people that hurt me over and once again?"

"When y'all take a good eye, then information technology means that you lot can end up hurting the well-nigh. Then if you accept a good heart, you lot must protect it."

"You cannot shame or guilt me into existence silent about all the hurt that you have inflicted on me. Your actions crusade me to hurt. The least you can practice is own what yous did."

"Never allow someone to exist your priority while assuasive yourself to be their option."

"You lot're in a relationship to be happy, to smile, to laugh and to brand proficient memories. Non to constantly exist upset, to feel hurt and to weep."

"How do you know the extent to which you are hurt? Only sentry how you react to those who are doing well in their ain lives."

"You lot will never understand how worthless you have made me feel."

"When a human relationship ends, it does non always mean that the two people in the relationship just stopped loving each other. Sometimes it merely ways that they decided to terminate hurting i another. Some people are meliorate apart than they are together."

"When you lot've been strong for so long, sometimes you just need time to exist alone and allow your tears out."

"When I care too much, I cease upwards getting hurt in the process."

"Sometimes, people will cease up hurting you every bit an attempt to heal themselves."

"Live and allow others to live; injure no one; life is dear to all living beings." – Mahavira

"It is the worst matter when the only person who can make you feel better is the same person who is making you cry."

"I don't want to get attached to anyone, anymore."

"When yous want to know the extent at which someone hurt you, just watch at your reactions."

"People don't merely come from anywhere and hurt you; information technology is usually. As a effect, they no longer have the human being in them;"

"Waiting for you is like waiting for it to rain in the heart of a drought."

"It hurts the nearly when the person who fabricated you feel so special yesterday is the same person who has fabricated yous feel then unwanted today."

"When somebody has told you that you hurt them, you do not become to decide that you lot didn't."

"People will ordinarily injure yous in an attempt to heal themselves."

"You can victimise yourself by wallowing around in your past."

"What I desire to know is, why me? Why did yous cull to hurt me? What is it about me that stuck out to you that made you think that I was weak?"

"That was the last time that I ever let you lot hurt me. I volition not permit you exercise information technology again, and if it means having to cutting y'all out of my life, then I volition practise it this time."

"Forgive them not considering they deserve forgiveness, merely considering you deserve to be at peace."

"We have to do with the past simply as we tin make it useful to the nowadays and the hereafter."

"Just because you cull to forgive someone, it does not mean that you accept to trust them over again. Information technology merely means that you can move on with your life."

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."

"When I think I cannot hurt whatsoever more than I already am, something new happens to make the cutting deeper than it was earlier. I desire to know when I can brainstorm to heal. When volition I be able to move on from all of this?"

"My problem is that I care too much. And that is why I keep on getting hurt."

"Yes, I understand why things had to happen this style. I sympathize his reason for causing me pain. Simply poor understanding does not hunt away the injure. It does not telephone call upon the sun when dark clouds accept loomed over me. Let the pelting come and then if it must come! And let it wash away the dust that hurt my eyes." – Jocelyn Soriano

"Honesty is the cruellest game of all, because not but tin can you hurt someone – and hurt them to the bone – you can experience self-righteous about it at the same time." – Dave Van Ronk

"The person you intendance for the near is the person you'll let hurt you the almost."

"You lot are strong, but in that location are days you know that you lot've been broken beyond repairs and y'all can experience the hurt in the cadre of your being."

"Sometimes y'all just take to wonder how many times someone y'all intendance about has to hurt you before you finally don't care."

"If someone wants to hurt you, nothing will e'er stop them; they will always observe a fashion to hurt y'all. Live your life; don't worry nigh what yous cannot forbid."

"You brought me and so many smiles that I never in one case idea that y'all would end upwardly bringing me so many tears."

"I trusted you completely, and I was repaid for it by getting hurt."

Final Thoughts

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As Jaggi Vasudev states:

"When hurting, misery, or anger happen, information technology is time to expect inside you lot, not around you."

E'er call back that:

1. Inside of you, yous have everything you need to get through it.

2. Equally you begin to heal from your wounds, remind yourself how much stronger y'all are at present from all of the injure yous accept had to endure in your life.

And so no one can finish your hurt for you. It's an endless cycle of hurting and acrimony that only stops when you choose. Healing is a journeying, and you can first on it correct now. It's not even as difficult as you thought it would be. Your pain will be temporary, and you will smile each time again. While the route ahead may not be easy, remember that there is always hope and a way forward for you.

We've found these instructive quotes that could guide you lot through being injure, and y'all should share them with friends. And We would honey to hear all virtually it in the comment section below.


Source: https://www.quote.cc/hurt-quotes/

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